Published Articles
2024. How Trust Shapes Global Action Networks Evidence from the Kimberley Process
Bieri, F., & Waddell, S. (2012). How Trust Shapes Global Action Networks: Evidence from the Kimberley Process, Presented at the MOPAN Conference. Wageningen University. Multi-stakeholder approaches in global governance are in vogue, yet little is known about how these different actors can sustain effective, collective work on an issue area. This paper presents empirical data from the Kimberley Process (KP), a global regulatory system aimed at curbing the trade in conflict diamonds to specify the role and processes of trust in Global Action Networks (GANs). We find that mutual trust amongst government, business and civil society actors was critical in the emergence of the KP and remains key in the effective implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). Specifically, the KPs inaction on human rights violations in the Marange diamond fields of Zimbabwe has significantly reduced public trust in the GAN’s. We conclude our analysis with lessons from the Diamond Development Initiative (DDII), a GAN in its own right which has emerged in the quest to confront problems in the artisanal diamond industry. Read More
2024. Large Systems Change An Emerging Field of Transformation and Transitions
Waddell, S., Waddock, S., Cornell, S., Dentoni, D., McLachlan, M., & Meszoely, G. (2015). Large Systems Change: An Emerging Field of Transformation and Transitions. Journal of Corporate Citizenship(58). In this paper we put forward a theory of large systems change (LSC), where large systems are defined as having breadth (i.e. engaging large numbers of people, institutions, and geographies) and depth (i.e. changing the complex relationships among elements of power and structural relationships simultaneously). We focus primarily on transformational LSC, recognising that such systems are complex adaptive systems in which change is continuous and emergent, but directions can be supported. A typology of change actions with two core dimensions—‘confrontation’ and ‘collaboration’ on the horizontal axis and ‘generative’ and ‘ungenerative’ change on the vertical—suggests that change strategies can be classified into four broad archetypes: forcing change, supporting change, paternalistic change, or co-creating change. LSC theory development focuses on three core questions: what is the foundation of LSC concepts and methods, what needs to change, and how does LSC occur? We conclude by reviewing how papers in the Special Issue fit into these questions. Read More
2024. Large Systems Change: Producing the Change We Want
Waddell, Steve, Hsueh, Joe, Birney, Anna, Khorsani, Amir, & Feng, Wen. (2014). Turning point – large systems change: Producing the change we want. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 2014(53), 5-8. doi: 10.9774/ Transformation and large systems change is not something that can be planned. However, understanding change pathways can support strategies to enhance our ability to produce desired futures. Systems mapping provides a range of ways to visualise change systems, a concept that is introduced here as critical to understanding change pathways. This is followed by a proposal of how to look at the DNA of these systems through two additional concepts: five sub-systems and seven functions in each of those systems. Read More
2024. Learning & transformative networks to address wicked problems: A golden invitation.
Learning & transformative networks to address wicked problems: A golden invitation. Steve Waddell, Milla McLachlan, and Domenico Dentoni. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 16(A), 23-32. Reprint: The Non-Profit Quarterly Fall/Winter 2013, 26-33. This essay explores the role of learning networks in strengthening the transformative potential of multi-stakeholder initiatives in the agro-food sector. It begins with reflections on the learning needs of a regional multi-stakeholder initiative in the agro-food sector, the Southern Africa Food Lab (SAFL). Then, the essay introduces an emerging learning network, namely GOLDEN for Sustainability. GOLDEN is a global learning network currently developing outside the agricultural and food sector, but with the ambition of including the agro-food sector. The authors are all connected to GOLDEN, and through this article they aim to leverage the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR) platform as a tool for developing such networks (Dentoni et al. 2012) and to invite agro-food organizations to participate in learning networks such as GOLDEN. Read More
2024. Inter-Organizational Learning
Inter-Organizational Learning: A new frontier., January(46), 3-6. Steve Waddell, Heinz Greijn, Koen Faber, Jonas Haertle, Annalisa Mauro Abstract: Without good learning strategies, inter-organizational networks will fall well below their potential and spend resources repeating mistakes needlessly. Yet, there is little known about inter-organizational learning. This article proposes a framework for developing an inter-organizational learning strategy, and discusses challenges to its successful development. Read More
2024. Large Scale Change Action Research
Waddell, S., McLachlan, M., Meszoely, G., & Waddock, S. Large Scale Change Action Research. In H. Bradbury (Ed.), Action Research Handbook (pp. 538-548): Sage. Action Research HandbookAction researchers addressing change are often confronted by two key problems. One is that the issue they are addressing, even if apparently local, is often heavily influenced by larger systems within which the issue is embedded. Working to solve a problem at a neighborhood or local community level inevitably hits up against the structures and decision-making processes that the community might believe are beyond its capacity to influence. We refer to this as the embedded system issue. Some action researchers start with a large scale in mind, but the second problem for many is that adequately expanding the focus to systems of such scale and with such an array of actors and geographies create a perception that the task is beyond the scope of action research approaches. We call this the methodology for scale issue. In our chapter we illustrate and develop a framework for understanding and addressing these action research issues using two cases. We conclude by proposing seven guidance notes for scalable action researchers who want to address these issues. Read More
2024. Work the Net: a Management Guide for Formal Networks
Egger, K. U., Glueck, M., Buchholz, G., Rana, G., & Arhidan, S. (2006). Work the Net: A Management Guide for Formal Networks. New Delhi, India: GTZ. This is a network development guide, particularly useful for people starting multi-stakeholder networks. It draws in particular from experience in sustainable resource management Read More
2024. New Tool for Complex, Multi-Stakeholder Global Networks: The Managing The Managing from from Clarity Framework
Puente, LM. and J. Ritchie-Dunham. NetworkingAction Working Paper #2. March 9. A New Tool for Complex, Multi-Stakeholder Global Networks: The Managing from Clarity Framework Read More