Webinars on Large Systems Change
Topic: Universal Health Coverage.
Recording: Go here for the slides; go here for the webinar video.
Description: Ceren Ozer of the World Bank and Brigitta Villaronga of GIZ have been working together for about 18 months to support development of universal health coverage in several countries. This raises not only issues of how to transform health systems, but how to work within organizations that are not adept at addressing complex challenges.
Topic: International agreements as leverage for transformation in attitudes to LGBT
Recording (audio only): Go here.
Description: Doug Janoff, Canadian diplomat and Canada’s Senior Policy Advisor on Global LGBT, is completing his dissertation that investigates the impact of international organizations’ efforts to transform attitudes to LGBT.
Topic: Peace building.
Recording: Go here for the webinar recording.
Description: Mark Clark, the CEO of Generations for Peace is providing a view of their work for sustainable conflict transformation at the grassroots, by empowering volunteer leaders of youth to promote active tolerance and responsible citizenship in communities experiencing different forms of conflict and violence. Carefully-facilitated sport-based games, art, advocacy, dialogue and empowerment activities provide an entry point to engage children, youth and adults, and a vehicle for integrated education and sustained behavioural change. They are working with over 8000 youths in more than 50 countries.
Topic: Possible Futures for Education in Brazil
Recording: Go here for the video of the webinar.
Description: Christel Scholten, of ReosPartners Brazil has been working for over a year with key stakeholders in the Brazilian education system to help them think together about the future of education in Brazil. 4 possible futures – transformative scenarios for 2032 will be presented as well as how the team of 41 key leaders in the education field in Brazil developed them.
Topic: Big Data and Large Systems Change
Recording: Go here for the slides of the webinar.
Description: Advances in computing technology and the advent of the world wide web paved the way for an information revolution making information universal and ubiquitous. As more and more people joined together to share information and brought about new interactions and means of networking, individuals moved beyond consumers of information to knowledge developers. This contributes unprecedented amounts of data to support a transformation in discovery. While mining these data holds great promise to support large systems change, it is important to go beyond simple computation and pay careful attention to context and feedback loops. Greta Meszoely and Hamid Benbrahim of Natural Numerix will address key opportunities and challenges in big data as it relates to LSC, as well as introduce some new promising directions.
Greta Meszoely, Natural Numerix, greta@naturalnumerix.com
Hamid Benbrahim, Natural Numerix, hamid@naturalnumerix.com
Topic: The Global Partnership for Prevention of Conflict: Transforming conflict through civil society
Recording: Go here for the video of the webinar.
Description: Peter van Tuijl, Executive Director, Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict will describe the work of GPPAC and the change it is aiming to realize as a member-led network of civil society organisations (CSOs) active in the field of conflict prevention and peacebuilding across the world.
Topic: Fostering Local Well-Being (FLOW)
Recording: Go here for the video of the webinar.
Description: FLOW is a transdisciplinary action research project of the African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) of the University of Cape Town. One focus is the development of community currencies that complement the national currency system. John Ziniades and Anna Cowen of Meshfield have been co-leading development of FLOW and will lead discussion about its change approach with particular reference to its currency work as a large systems change strategy.
Topic: Southern African Food Lab
Recording: Go here for the video of the webinar.
Description: The Southern Africa Food Lab (SAFL) exists to promote creative responses to the problem of hunger. It facilitates collaboration and dialogue between stakeholder groups to raise awareness and foster innovations and experimental action towards a thriving, just and sustainable food system. SAFL Founder Milla McLachlan and Scott Drimie, SAFL Steering Group member and Director and Transformative Scenarios Process Lead present the Lab’s change approach which grows out of application of Sharmer’s Theory U.
Topic: Action Research and Large Systems Change
Recording: Go here for the video; here for the slides.
Description: Action research has a critical contribution to large systems complex change given its participant leadership and learning focii. Hilary Bradbury, editor of the Handbook of Action Research (eds. 2001, 2008, 2015) and Convener, ActionResearchPlus will draw on examples of action research to enable a discussion about its role in large systems change.